Dojo examples from UC2009
I know, I know, loads of people have been waiting for these… So here we go, I’ve finally sorted a downloaded version of the Dojo examples from the presentation I provided at the MySQL Users Conference 2009. There are three examples: The auto-pag…
DTrace in MySQL: Documentation and a MySQL University Session
DTrace has been something that I’ve been trying to get into the MySQL server for more than a year now. After a combination of my own patches and working with Mikael Ronstrom and Alexey Kopytov we finally have a suite of probes in MySQL 6.0.8. Bett…
Multiple VCS Updates and Cleanups
I spend a lot of time updating a variety of different repositories of different varieties and denominations, and I hate having to do that all by hand – I’d rather just go up into a top-level directory and say update-all and let a script work out w…
Mysterious crashes? – check your temporary directory settings
Just recently I seem to have noticed an increased number of mysterious crashes and terminations of applications. This is generally on brand new systems that I’m setting up, or on existing systems where I’m setting up a new or duplicate account. In…
Setting up the developer stack issues
There’s a great post on Coding Horror about Configuring the Stack. Basically the gripe is with the complexity of installing the typical developer stack, in this case on Windows, using Visual Studio. My VS setup isn’t vastly different to the one Je…
Setting a remote key through ssh
One of the steps I find myself doing a lot is distributing round an ssh key so that I can login and use different machines automatically. To help in that process I created a small function in my bash profile script (acutally for me it’s in .bash_a…
Extra bash improvements
If you’ve read my Getting the most out of bash article at IBM developerWorks then you be interested in some further bash goodness and improvements. Juliet Kemp covers some additional tricks on Improving bash to make working with bash easier. Some …
Controlling OS X volume through Cron
One of the biggest annoyances of working from home is that with the computers in the room next door, the volume of your computers can cause a problem if someone suddenly calls you on Skype, or your backup software suddenly kicks in and starts beep…
Making a single extractor
One of my new articles is on smplifying your command line (read more about System Administrators Toolkit: Standardizing your UNIX command-line tools, making your life easier as you move between different environments. The same principles can be ap…
Copying multiple files with scp
I keep my .bash init scripts on one machine and copy them over to each machine on which I have a login. There’s various bits of logic in there to ensure that the right PATH and other values are set according to the host and/or platform. I then hav…