MySQL 5.1 in OpenSolaris

If you’ve attended just one of my recent talks, either at the UC, LOSUG or MySQL University, you should know that MySQL 5.1.30 will be in the next official drop of OpenSolaris. In fact, you can find MySQL 5.1 in the current pre-release builds – I just download build 111 of the future 2009.06 release. Key things about the new MySQL 5.1 in OpenSolaris:

  1. Contains the set of DTRACE probes that also exists in MySQL 5.4 (see DTrace Documentation)
  2. Like the 5.0, we have SMF integration, so you can start, stop, monitor and change some of the core configuration through SMF
  3. Directory layout is similar to 5.0, with a version specific directory (/usr/mysql/5.1), and the two can coexist if you want to handle a migration from 5.0 to 5.1

To install MySQL 5.1, use the pkg tool to perform the installation. We’ve split the components into three packages:

  1. SUNWmysql51 contains the server and client binaries, and associated scripts.
  2. SUNWmysql51libs contains the client libraries, which you’ll need for all external (i.e. MySQL) tools, like DBD::mysql for Perl connectivity)
  3. SUNWmysql51test contains the MySQL test suite

To install:

$ pfexec pkg install SUNWmysql51

Once installed, you can start MySQL server through SMF:

$ pfexec svcadm enable mysql:version_51

You can set properties, like the data directory, by using svccfg:

$ svccfg svc:> select mysql:version_51 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_51> setprop mysql/data=/data0/mysql svc:/application/database/mysql:version_51> setprop mysql/enable_64bit=1

Any questions, please ask!