Just in case you think I’ve forgotten about things, I haven’t, I’m just somewhat buried.What’s been happening? Well Busy New Year will explain part of it.On the Sun/Solaris front:
- Sun shipped me a new card to fit into the T1000 to get some better performance on the network interface. This was after a really good conversation with Sun about Squeezing the last drops of performance from the T1000. It arrived right between Christmas and New Year, so I haven’t had time to play with it yet.
- I’m still testing the Ultra 20M2, but let’s just say it’s cool and fast. There’s a review going out on my ComputerWorld blog soon that gives a quick overview.
- Solaris testing – I’ve been putting together some more detailed examples on using Solaris with Parallels, particularly for testing ZFS. This is particularly cool because you can play around with pools and other elements without requiring a hardware solution, and then start all over again if you muck it up.
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