The one thnig I hate about buying computer equipment is the timing…you can guarantee that the moment you buy something, a newer, better, and probably cheaper model will be released the day after. For me, it’s today. According to InfoWorld Seagate will be releasing 100GB 7200RPM drives and 120GB 5400RPM drives in a few weeks time. Today, after much deliberation, I ordered two Toshiba 100GB, 5400RPM drives. I thought about a 7200RPM 60GB unit, but decided that space would be more useful. Since they will replace 60GB 4200RPM units, I’m still going to be upgrading both speed and capacity. And the new Seagate drives will be expensive; my two came in at just over £200+VAT. It might have cost upwards of £400+VAT for the new units.That doesn’t make Seagate’s announcement any less annoying of course…