Hadoop BoF Session at OSCON

I have a BoF session next week at OSCON next week:
Migrating Data from MySQL and Oracle into Hadoop
The session is at 7pm Tuesday night – look for rooms D135 and/or D137/138.
Correction: We are now in  E144 on Tuesday with the Hadoop get together first at 7pm, and the Data Migration to follow at 8pm.
I’m actually going to be joined by Gwen Shapira from Cloudera, who has a BoF session on Hadoop next door at the same time, along with Eric Herman from Booking.com. We’ll use the opportunity to talk all things Hadoop, but particularly the ingestion of data from MySQL and other databases into the Hadoop datastore.
As always, it’d be great to meet anybody interested in Hadoop at the BoF, please come along and introduce yourselves, and hopefully I’ll see you next week!