On Thursday, November 13, 2008 (14:00 UTC / 14:00 BST / 15:00 CET), I’ll be presenting a MySQL University session on MySQL and OpenSolaris. The presentation will be similar to the presentation I did at the London OpenSolaris Users Group in July, you can see that presentation by visiting the LOSUG: July 2008 page. The presentation on thursday will be slightly different – I’ll be providing a bit more hands-on information about how to install MySQL, how to configure and change the configuration and some more detail on solutions like the Webstack and Coolstack distributions. I’ll also cover our plans for the inclusion of MySQL 5.1 in OpenSolaris, which will happen next year, and provide some examples on the new DTrace probes that we have been adding to MySQL generally. Of course, if there’s anything specific you want me to talk about, comment here and I’ll see if I can squeeze it into the presentation before thursday.