Part of the PHP and Java series is now available. This part examines how to expose the original Java classes we produced as a web service.For this article: This tutorial takes the Java business application with database created in parts 2 and 3, and deploys it as a Java Web Service. This includes creating a WSDL, as well as web service operations. Web service clients can then connect to the Java web service in order to interact with the Java business application.
- Java Web Services and Apache Tomcat
- Creating a WSDL file
- Defining Web Service code
- Compiling and testing the Web Service
The series is split into six parts:
- Part 1 looks at the application and sets up an environment ready for building Java applications and serving Java-based Web applications using Tomcat.
- Part 2 covers the main application code and the development of a simple Java Servlet to provide a Web interface to the information.
- Part 3 connects the core application to a DB2 database for the storage of the survey questions and responses.
- Part 4 converts the original application into one that can be accessed as a Web service, and it provides the base for the PHP interface.
- Part 5 builds the PHP interface to the Java application by using the PHP Java Bridge.
- Part 6 redevelops the application to make use of the PHP Java Bridge in place of the Web service interface.