I’ve started up a new blog designed to handle the day-to-day thoughts and issues, programming notes, IT tricks and so on that I come across (and use/develop) each day. Called MCslp Coalface, the blog is designed to contain the issues and notes that really do come straight from the work-end of what I do day by day. Expect programs, scripts, and usage notes on what I’m doing, as well as follow up thoughts and notes for certain articles and ideas that don’t fall into the realm of MCslp. You can find the new site at http://coalface.mcslp.com and there are RSS and Atom feeds available. As with most of my sites, the content is also included as part of Planet MCslp. You may also have noticed that I’ve changed the theme for the site, now using the excellent Red Train by Vladimir Simovic. The same theme is now used on both the main MCslp and the MCslp Coalface.