As part of the ongoing expansion of the work that I do I am adding some further blogs to the range of titles and topics that I currently write about.Some of the new blogs are merely a way of sensibly dividing up the content I produce so that readers can subscribe to specific areas of interest, without me bombarding them with a single blog covering the wide range of topics I tend to cover and have an interest/expertise in supporting. Some are designed to support new books, and in one case support the content that would have gone into a book if I hadn’t changed my mind about the scope and content. Some are just ways of generating or re-purposing material that I have had for some time, or for which I have had plans to write and develop and never had a suitable outlet. Until now. All of my blogs – under which I have direct control at least – now use a consistent format, if not necessarily a consistent theme, although I’ve tried to use themes that reflect the content of the site in question. All of the sites have an About page (unique to each site), a Contact form, and copies of the About MCslp and About MCslp Projects pages. The latter contains a distilled list of sites and their content. All of them are under the MCslp banner and all of them will, for the moment, be managed and supported directly by me (MC).Many of these sites are still in their infancy – they all have Welcome messages, but may not yet have specific content. Be patient, it’s either already written and not yet posted live, or is coming. As with this site, and indeed all MCslp sites, all of the new blogs are free to use and completely advert free. Please see the About page for information on how you can contribute and support the sites and their continued existence. The new blogs I’m announcing today are:
The Writing BizNew writers and authors often ask questions about the writing business. For example, how it works, the processes behind writing a book, how to promote your book, whether you should have an agent and many others. The condenses and collates all of this information into a single site. Improve Your VocabWords and phrases have interesting meanings, sources and derivations. Improve Your Vocab aims to distill many of the phrases that you hear in films, TV shows, books and other places that you may not recognize and provide information about their definition, sources, and what they mean within the context of the phrase where they were used. The Linux ProfessionalsThere are many professional users of Linux out there, and there are also Linux Professionals – people who make a living for supporting and consulting using the Linux platform. The Linux Professionals provides interviews and articles with these professionals to find out how they make use of Linux, and why they chose Linux as their area of expertise. Change The Way You WorkChange the way you work is a blog designed provide information and guidance on ways in which you can change the way you work to make better use of your time. It looks at different methods, for example project management software, or following a particular methodology or technique designed to simplify your work or improve and optimize your efficiency. MCslp Map WorksGoogle Maps and Google Earth – among other technologies – provide some amazing technology for building customized, map based, information websites. MCslp Map Works provides examples, help and guidance along the way for your Google Maps and Earth projects, along with How-To guides, news and other information. MCslp Virtual ComputingVirtual Computing works at many different levels, from providing separate working zones within an operating system designed to compartmentalize different applications or services right through to emulation technology that provide, in software, the equivalent of a complete PC, including virtual drives, network devices and other components. MCslp Virtual Computing provides information and guides on using these technologies.
If you have any questions or want more information, either us the Contact Us link on the site in question, or ask me a question through the Contact Us form on this site. Thank you for your continued support!