Whether you call it the Semantic Web or Web 2.0, it is obvious that in the web as we know it is changing. We have moved on from static web pages and simply links and will be moving towards more dynamic content, more intelligent links and better ways of integrating and collating information from different sources. My new article, What is the semantic grid? looks at the semantic grid – an extension of the principles of the semantic web and how they will be applied to grid technology to make the interoperation of grids and the information and services they provide. Here’s the official intro:
The semantic grid uses metadata to describe information in the grid. Turning information into something more than just a collection of data means understanding the context, format, and significance of the data. The semantic Web follows this model by providing additional metadata that helps describe the information being viewed on a Web page, thereby allowing browsers, applications, and users to make better decisions about how to deal with the data. The semantic grid applies similar principles to the information used in a grid environment. In this article, we take a closer look at what the semantic grid is, how to use it, and what this will mean to your future grid applications.
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